Sunday, March 4, 2012

9 weeks!!!

I can't believe I haven't updated this blog since we got our BFP!!!
I am doing very well, and have been feeling great!! (:knocking on wood:)
The only symptoms I have felt are: tiredness, sore breasts, lack of appetite, and some aversions. I would like to start updating weekly and by using the format below.
I can't wait to hit 12 weeks, then 16, then 20, then 35!!!!!!! positive thoughts!!

How far along? 9 weeks, 1 day
Maternity clothes? Not yet, I've lost 7lbs, so I am still wearing my regular clothes.
Stretch marks? Nothing new
Sleep: Its impossible to sleep without a
pillow supporting my belly. Also, if I sleep on one side for too long my hips
hurt so I'm constantly tossing and turning.
Best moment this week: Being closer to 12 weeks, and feel great!
Miss Anything? Sleeping on my back and Caesar salad
Movement: Nothing yet
Food cravings: Jax and strawberry milk (not together, but foods that I normally don't eat, so it has to be a craving)
Anything making you queasy or
sick? Most dinners I cook look unappealing and I end up eating Cheerios
Have you started to show
yet: No, but when looking at my body naked, I look a little less flabby and more of a belly.
Gender: too early to know
Labour Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, but nervous
Looking forward to: my next ultrasound!!