Thursday, December 29, 2011

What could this mean.....

Well, I am 10 days post IUI, and of course today would be the day I would spot. I am a nervous wreck right now, and I keep praying it is implantation bleeding. It is so hard to remain positive when all I want to do is cry and believe that this is never going to happen. Luckily enough, my hubby has been very supportive today, but I still can't help but to feel hopeless. Dear god, please make this just be some implantation bleeding!!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

2 week wait is like the 2 week slow death

Well, we did it! We agreed as a couple in November to begin treatment once I started my next cycle. My cycle came and went, and so the shots began. I gave myself (with the help of my amazing hubby) 9 rounds of Gonal F shots, and then 1 trigger shot. Once the trigger shot was given, I would then be signed up for my IUI. I had my IUI on December 19, 2011, and it wasn't what I thought it was going to be. It hardly hurt, it took no time at all, and it was the quickest thing I have ever had done. Once the IUI was over I was told that I would have to wait 2 weeks, and then come back for blood work that would either confirm a negative or positive result. Well, I am in to day 7 and I am going out of my mind. I took a urine test this morning and it yielded a negative result. Everyone I told is telling me that it is too early to know, but I really hope they are right. I am really hoping that this is our time after all this time. Waiting for the 2 weeks to be up is like dying a slow death. You don't know what the result is going to be, and it feels like it is moving at a slow rate. I am continuing to remain positive,and keep my spirits up!! Here's hoping!!