Thursday, December 29, 2011

What could this mean.....

Well, I am 10 days post IUI, and of course today would be the day I would spot. I am a nervous wreck right now, and I keep praying it is implantation bleeding. It is so hard to remain positive when all I want to do is cry and believe that this is never going to happen. Luckily enough, my hubby has been very supportive today, but I still can't help but to feel hopeless. Dear god, please make this just be some implantation bleeding!!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

2 week wait is like the 2 week slow death

Well, we did it! We agreed as a couple in November to begin treatment once I started my next cycle. My cycle came and went, and so the shots began. I gave myself (with the help of my amazing hubby) 9 rounds of Gonal F shots, and then 1 trigger shot. Once the trigger shot was given, I would then be signed up for my IUI. I had my IUI on December 19, 2011, and it wasn't what I thought it was going to be. It hardly hurt, it took no time at all, and it was the quickest thing I have ever had done. Once the IUI was over I was told that I would have to wait 2 weeks, and then come back for blood work that would either confirm a negative or positive result. Well, I am in to day 7 and I am going out of my mind. I took a urine test this morning and it yielded a negative result. Everyone I told is telling me that it is too early to know, but I really hope they are right. I am really hoping that this is our time after all this time. Waiting for the 2 weeks to be up is like dying a slow death. You don't know what the result is going to be, and it feels like it is moving at a slow rate. I am continuing to remain positive,and keep my spirits up!! Here's hoping!!

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Hello and welcome,
If you found this blog, well then congrats!! Allow me to tell you about myself. I am a 29 yo, married to my amazing husband of 3 years. We have been TTC since August 22, 2009. We have been waiting so long for our miracle to arrive, and we are finally taking the next steps to achieve this dream. All my life I have wanted to be a mom, and the desire continues to grow stronger with ever pregnancy my friends achieve and birthday that passes. The reason why I have always wanted to be a mom is because of the mom I had growing up. She loved us ( I have 2 brothers) unconditionally, put her kids first, and always was there in the morning and when we go home from school. Having been with my husband for almost 8 years, I see how much my MIL loves her children, too, and it makes my heart weep that we haven't had our little bundle of joy.
Next month we will start our journey with an IUI to help us possibly achieve a pregnancy. There are so many feelings that come with this, but the biggest feeling I have is a sense of control. I am controlling the situation, and I will continue to control it throughout the pregnancy!
I have been told by a handful of people that I have to think it, believe, vision it, and it will happen. Well, starting today, I am going to turn over my realistic leaf and give optimism a try. Hence, the title of my blog: WE will, WE, will have you!!!!
(sung to tune of we will rock you)
Please follow me as we begin this journey and send positive thoughts our way. Here you will find updates, raw emotions, and a place for me to celebrate and vent. Please do not correct my grammar, spelling, or thoughts...they are my words put into this blog and I will do it without criticism.
Lots of love and happiness to those that found this blog. So come with me as I turn over a new leaf and start a new chapter in my life!